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Treasury Management

Treasury is the central structure for all cross border remittance companies. Treasuries, over the years in Exchange Houses, have become highly automated making the work of the personnel heavily dependent on the technology used. Treasury Management module in our application functions the role of providing the position with various partner institutions, recording the deal booking, arriving at the cost of funds (through weighted average method), calculating the margins for individual transaction based on sale price and cost price, revaluation of position based on price at a particular point. We have expertise in integrating Reuters Dealing System for porting the communication between dealers into the core platform of the clients to avoid errors while manually recording the rates. We also provide Treasury with deep insights on the sale projections based on historical trends to enable them to take a position on multiple corridors.


  • Comprehensive Deal Desk
  • Weighted Average Cost calculated in real time to arrive at margins immediately
  • Positional Losses and Profits being assessed based on revaluation option.
  • Insightful Position reports to support treasury in deployment of funds
  • Deal Calendar to record holidays and other critical date dependent information