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Business Intelligence is a key enabler for business expansion and internal assessment of trends. Our Senior Consultant (IT is considered a doyen in Business Intelligence and was a Data Warehousing Evangelist in the Indian Banking Sector during the 90s. Some of the models designed by him is still used by Banks as part of their Management Information Systems. We provide deep insights into various patterns emerging from the transaction behaviour of customers. These patterns are highly localized, giving the opportunity to business leaders in preparing effective strategy. Our Budgeting Tool and Performance Review Dashboard have been designed in line with the model used in Banks making it highly intuitive for Top Management during Reviews and year-end Brain Storming.

Customized reports are also generated for various niche services offered by the company to correlate its efficacy in complementing the main services. Our Database Design is also highly compatible with generating insightful reports based on the requirement of the Top Management from time to time. ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) cycles for reports can also be scheduled without impacting the load on the main transaction process. Reports are designed based on the business owner’s requirements from auto generated emails to key personnel with certain reports to excel sheets that can be used to drill down further to derive inferences based on certain data.


  • Robust Data warehouse to generate reports
  • Performance Review Reports
  • Budgeting Tool to define and monitor business targets
  • Corridor/ Area/ Delivery Mode specific reports
  • Database design supporting various complex reports required by business users from time to time.